Parshat Shekalim 5782

Shabbat Shekalim תשפב             This Shabbat, the Shabbat that precedes Rosh Chodes Adar, the first day of Adar, is called שבת שקלים - Shabbat Shekalim, Shabbat of the coins.              When the Holy Temple stood, the Jewish community – צבור - tzibur, was obligated to bring two sacrifices daily:…

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Parshat Tetzaveh 5782

Parshat Tetzaveh תשפב Parshat Tezaveh is the second of the Torah’s four portions that deal with the construction of the portable tabernacle in the desert – the Mishkan. Parshat Terumah, which we read last week, contains the instructions for the Mishkan’s physical structure,…

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