Shavuot 5781

Shavuot תשפא             The sight of a bride and groom standing under the marriage canopy always moves us to feelings of hope and success for the new couple. We look on with anticipation for the special moment when the groom places the…

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Shavuot 5780

Shavuot תשפ This coming Friday (starting Thursday at nightfall) and Shabbat, the Jewish people in the diaspora will celebrate the festival of Shavuot. Shavuot, the 6th of Sivan, is the day that the Jewish nation stood at the foot of…

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Shavuot Upset because the JCC was closed on all Jewish holidays, including Shavuot, an angry board member once confronted the local JCC’s president at a meeting, asserting,  “I understand the JCC being closed on the High Holidays and Passover,” he…

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