Pesach II 5784

Pesach II תשפד   The Pesach holiday which commemorates the release of the Jewish nation from 210 years of slavery in Egypt is celebrated in the month of Nissan. Nevertheless, we are commanded to remember the Exodus from Egypt twice…

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Pesach 5784

This year, especially, as we approach the holiday of Pesach, we may feel like the Jews in Egypt did before Hashem redeemed them. It seems as if the world is caving in around us.                 Antisemitism is rapidly accelerating as…

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Parshas Shemini 5784

Parshat Shemini תשפד I was once asked, “Rabbi, you say that Judaism is the only true religion; the Christians say that Christianity is, and the Moslems say that Islam is! How do you know you are right?” I would like…

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Parshas Tzav 5784

Parshat Tzav תשפ"ד This week’s portion, Tzav, details the different types of animal or grain sacrifices that one may need to bring. A sacrifice is called a קרבן (korban), the root of which isקרב  - which means to bring close.…

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