Tisha B’Av 5783

 Tisha B’av תשפ"ג               This Thursday, July 27, the Jewish people will observe Tisha B’av - the 9th of Av, a fast day. On this date many years ago, both Holy Temples were destroyed. Throughout history, other cataclysmic events also…

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Parshat Devrarim 5783

Devarim תשפ"ג This Shabbat we begin the fifth book of the Torah, דברים - Devarim. Otherwise known as משנה תורה - Mishne Torah - which means “a review of the Torah,” this book is unlike the other four. When Hashem…

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Parshat Korach 5783

Korach תשפ"ג This week, Moshe Rabbeinu, the humble leader who intervened successfully and who many times saved the Jewish people, even putting his own life on the line, uncharacteristically presented Hashem with an ultimatum: Either You kill Korach and his…

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