Every Step Counts, but Some More
Parshat Chukat 5779

The New York City Subway system has 472 stations stretching over four boroughs, making it the largest subway system in the world. It is clean, efficient, reliable, inexpensive, and most importantly, it saves people hours of snarling traffic every day.…

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Parshat Chukat 5779

Parshat Korach

Parshat Korach תשע"ח                 This week’s portion details the events of Korach’s rebellion, along with his 253 compatriots, against Moshe and Aharon (Numbers 16:1,2): ספר במדבר פרק טז א) וַיִּקַּח קֹרַח בֶּן יִצְהָר בֶּן קְהָת בֶּן לֵוִי וְדָתָן וַאֲבִירָם בְּנֵי…

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