Parshat Vayakhel 5779

Parshat Vayakhel תשע"ט Parshat ויקהל  - Vayakhel describes in detail how the artisan Betzalel and his helpers executed each of the instructions of how to build the Tabernacle and its components. Having been conceived by Hashem, it is reasonable to…

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Parshat Tetzaveh 5779

Parshat Tezaveh תשעט Parshat Tezaveh is the second of the Torah’s four portions that deal with the Tabernacle’s construction. Parshat Terumah, which we read last week, provided the instructions for the Tabernacle’s structure, its curtains, coverings and vessels for the…

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Parshat Terumah 5779

Terumah תשע"ט The Tabernacle, that is, the portable sanctuary that accompanied the Jewish people during their 40-year trek in the wilderness, was built through the donations of the Jewish people who donated all of the necessary building materials. The Torah…

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