Parshat Va’eira 5780

Parshat Va’eira תש"פ When HaShem appeared to Moshe at the Burning Bush, and Moshe responded that the people would not believe that HaShem had really appeared to him, HaShem gave Moshe three miracles to perform to convince the people. The…

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Parshat Shemot 5780

Shemot תש"פ This week we begin the second book of the Torah, Shemot - Exodus. The book of Shemot begins with the Jewish people’s slavery and redemption from Egypt, concluding with the completion of the Tabernacle. Despite Moshe and Aharon…

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Parshat Vayechi 5780

Parshat Vayechi תש"פ When thumbing through the pages of the Chumash, have you ever wondered what the פפפ or ססס at the end of almost every Parshah in the Torah mean? The פ stands for פתוחה,an open paragraph, and the…

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