Parshat Korach 5780

Parshat Korach This week’s Torah portion is named for Korach, the great and holy man who fomented a rebellion against Moshe. Although Jewish history characterizes Korach as the example of one who created a rebellion for his own selfish reasons,…

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Parshat Shlach 5780

Parshas Shlach This week’s Torah portion’s concluding paragraph (Shelach, Numbers 15:37-41) commands us to affix tzizit (“fringes”) to most four-cornered garments that men wear. The commandment is fulfilled by wearing a large טלית - talit when praying shacharit, the morning…

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Behaalotcha 5780

Behaalotcha תשפ  On the night of the 15th of Nissan, 3,332 years ago, the Jewish people fulfilled the mitzva of eating matza for the first time at the seder. After eating the afikomen (dessert - a piece of the Pascal…

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Parshat Naso 5780

Parshat Naso These were exciting times for the Jewish people. Almost a year has passed, and it was again Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the month in which they left Egypt. So much has happened in such a short time.  First they…

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Shavuot 5780

Shavuot תשפ This coming Friday (starting Thursday at nightfall) and Shabbat, the Jewish people in the diaspora will celebrate the festival of Shavuot. Shavuot, the 6th of Sivan, is the day that the Jewish nation stood at the foot of…

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