Parshas Mishpatim 5784

Mishpatim תשפ"ד         The war in Gaza unfortunately drags on, and our brothers and sisters in Israel continue to be in great danger. Missiles repeatedly fall on populated areas, our precious young soldiers are constantly in the crosshairs of Arab…

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Parshat Yitro 5784

Yitro תשפ"ד           The Torah portions over the last few weeks have dealt with the miraculous exodus that the Jewish nation experienced after their 210 years of slavery in Egypt. We celebrate this extraordinary event on Passover, a holiday that…

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Parshas Bo 5784

Parshat Bo תשפד           The Jews are finally out of Egypt. By killing every first born, Hashem delivered the knockout punch to Pharaoh who could not get rid of them fast enough. This chapter in Jewish history, the slavery and…

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Parshas Vaera 5784

Vaera תשפ"ד In the second verse of this week’s portion וארא – Vaera (Exodus 6:3), Hashem tells Moshe: (ג) וָאֵרָא אֶל אַבְרָהָם אֶל יִצְחָק וְאֶל יַעֲקֹב בְּקֵל שַׁקָי וּשְׁמִי יְדֹוָד לֹא נוֹדַעְתִּי לָהֶם           3) And I appeared to Avraham,…

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Parshas Shemos 5784

Last week we completed the first book of the Torah, Bereshit – Genesis, and this week we begin the second book Shemot – Exodus. Nachmanides in his preface to sefer Shemot explains that Genesis is called the book of creation,…

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