Megillas Esther UNMASKED: Part 2
Mondays with Meaning| Mrs. Dassie Bausk
Mondays with Meaning| Mrs. Dassie Bausk
Pathways | Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg
RCLS: Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg
Mondays with Meaning| Mrs. Dassie Bausk
Parshat Ki Tisa תשפא This week’s portion contains the sin of the golden calf. Because of its magnitude and the misunderstanding surrounding it, we need to look at the events through the eyes of our Sages to properly understand what happened.…
Parshat Tetzaveh תשפב Parshat Tezaveh is the second of the Torah’s four portions that deal with the construction of the portable tabernacle in the desert – the Mishkan. Parshat Terumah, which we read last week, contains the instructions for the Mishkan’s physical structure,…
Mondays with Meaning| Mrs. Racheli Indig