You’re Mining What?
Parshas Terumah 5784

It’s time to talk about mining. Not mining for gold, not mining for silver, not mining for coal, and not even mining for rare earth metals like neodymium, gadolinium, and dysprosium. No, it’s time to talk about bitcoin mining. Bitcoin…

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Parshas Terumah 5784

Name Brands Make it Better
Parshas Beshalach 5784

Do you know any one who fancies themselves a connoisseur? Do they feel they are an aficionado, cognizant of the essential differences between designer garb and inferior everyday clothing? Or perhaps they consider themselves true gourmands, people who know how…

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Parshas Beshalach 5784

Do You Know a Fearless Maid?
Parshas Vayechi 5784

The year 1888 was not an uneventful year. The National Geographic Society was founded, and began telling a hungry public about the wonders of people and places all over the world. De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. was founded in South…

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Parshas Vayechi 5784

Tales from the Stoveside
Parshas Mikeitz and Chanukah

Last night we had a Chanukah party at my house. I was busy preparing for an important lecture, so I was hoping to stay out of the kitchen entirely. But just when I thought I was free and clear, I…

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Parshas Mikeitz and Chanukah