The United Nations on My Table….Vayera 5778

“Mommy,” calls my six year old as she heads down the stairs, “What’s for dinner?” Evidently, a few seconds of foreknowledge makes all the difference when it comes to the dinner menu. “Lasagna, salad, and fresh fruit,” calls back my…

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More Dangerous than a Nuclear Weapon, More Common than Pumpkin Spice Latte…Lech Lecha 5778

Little Boy, the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, used one hundred and forty one pounds of enriched uranium to produce its big bang. With improved technology, today’s nuclear bombs can be created with thirty five pounds of Uranium-235 or even…

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You are Not One, You are Many…Nitzvim-Vayelech and Rosh Hashana 5777

You are not one, you are many. You are trillions. There are somewhere between ten and forty trillion little copies of you in this universe, each one as unique as you are. The trillions of you are found in your…

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Call Me Ishmael… or Better Yet, Call Me Moon Fizz…Vaetchanan 5777

After a raging debate, the Swedish authorities finally agreed to abandon the antiquated rules that had long been causing deep emotional pain to their constituents. The new law gives Swedish parents the rights and freedoms which are granted to almost…

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