Photoshoppers, please report to 1937!
Parshat Mattos Masei 5780

There are many times where we look back at history and say to ourselves, “We really could have used technology X back then, what a difference it would have made.” The application of this line of thinking is almost limitless.…

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Parshat Mattos Masei 5780

Carbon Neutral Synagogues
Parshat Pinchas 5780

There is probably only one synagogue in the world where the congregants have to bundle up in heavy coats and hats in order to attend services in the main sanctuary in the winter. I’d also imagine that there is only…

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Parshat Pinchas 5780

Kellog vs Post: The History of the Great Cereal War
Korach 5780

To say that the Kellogg family grew up in austerity would be an understatement on par with saying that surgery without anesthesia might tingle a bit. As strict Seventh Day Adventists, the Kellogg family believed that indulging in any luxuries…

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Korach 5780