Parshat Bo 5779

Parshat Bo תשעט The Egyptians have suffered through seven of the ten plagues, and after three more they will send the Jewish people out of Egypt. The time has come to prepare the Jewish people for the holiday of Pesach.…

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Parshat Va’eira 5779

Parshat Vaera תשעט Moshe precisely followed Hashem’s instructions, yet things seemed to have backfired: Instead of Pharaoh listening to Moshe to release the Jewish people, Pharoah increased their work load. The Jewish slaves would now have to procure their own…

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Parshat Shemot 5779

Parshat Shemot תשעט This coming Shabbat we begin reading the second book of the Torah, Sefer Shemot. The רמב"ן, (Ramban) Nachmanides, calls this second book of the Torah ספר הגאולה - “The Book of Redemption.” It seems easy to understand…

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Parshat Vayechi 5779

Parshat Vayechi תשעט This week’s portion is the portion of blessings. In it, our forefather Yaakov bestows blessings on Yosef’s two sons, Ephriam and Menashe, and on all of his own sons, the 12 Tribes of Israel. As we look…

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Parshat Vayigash 5779

Parshat Vayigash תשע"ט                 After Yosef revealed himself to his brothers, they hurried home to tell Yaakov that Yosef was still alive and that he was the ruler of Egypt, second in command only to Pharaoh. Yaakov’s response was to…

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Chanukah 5579

Chanukah תשע"ט Have you ever wondered where the nameחנוכה  - Chanukah comes from and what it means? The Sages who instituted Chanukah as a holiday created the name and it is a combination of two words: חנו כ"ה , which…

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Parshat Vayeshev 5779

Vayeshev תשעט This week’s portion relates the events leading up to Yosef becoming the Viceroy of Egypt. Hashem told Avraham Avinu in the ברית בין הבתרים - the covenant between the parts--that his children would be slaves in a foreign…

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Parshat Vayishlach 5779

Vayishlach תשע"ט Yaakov lived in his Uncle Lavan’s house for 20 years. Yaakov had come alone, penniless, and completely righteous. Now, after living with the scoundrel Lavan for two decades, Yaakov remained a perfect tzaddik. He had passed his first…

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Parshat Vayetzei 5779

Vayetzei תשע"ט                 Yaakov had to leave home because Esav had vowed to kill him. This week’s portion begins with Yaakov’s journey (Genesis 28:10): י) וַיֵּצֵא יַעֲקֹב מִבְּאֵר שָׁבַע וַיֵּלֶךְ חָרָנָה 10) Yaakov left Beer Sheva and travelled towards Charan.…

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