Adar Beis: Shir Shel Yom- Yom Chamishi
Rosh Chodesh Lecture Series| Dr. Janet Snider
Shir Shel Yom: Yom Shlishi
Rosh Chodesh Lecture Series| Mrs. Seema Selmar
Shir Shel Yom: Yom Rishon
Rosh Chodesh Lecture Series| Dr. Helene Shapero
The Rosh Hashana Source Book
Why Are We Called Yehudim- Jews? A Jew’s Quest to Sanctify G-D’s Name
Mondays with Meaning with Dr. Miriam Zuroff
MWM: Why Are We Called Yehudim- Jews? A Jew’s Hakaras Hatov: An Attitude of Gratitude
Dr. Miriam Zuroff: An Exploration of the Unique Characteristics that Define Our Nation